Take part in Threatened Species Day
Beaming from Bungendore on the Southern Tablelands
7th September 2011
- Learn about the endangered woodlands of NSW.
- Find out more about Australian plants and animals that rely on woodlands for their survival.
- Hear from scientists working with endangered Australian woodland species.
- Join in the Threatened Species Day broadcast where our scientists will answer student’s questions about threatened plants and animals.
The Threatened Species Day Program is structured around a series of short videos available via the web.
Four scientists will talk about their work with threatened woodlands, mammals, frogs and reptiles, flora and birds, why some species are threatened and the sort of actions that can be taken to improve their chances of survival.
Schools that register interest will be sent an information and work pack.
Students can send in questions for the scientists about threatened species, before August 19th. On 7th September the scientists will be hosted by Bungendore Public School and will video conference their answers to the student questions.
This program will address many parts of the primary and high school curriculum.