The management plan
Environment ACT is responsible for the management and conservation of the site. A management plan has been developed that uses sustainable grazing practices to retain conservation values. The management plan has been in place for eight years. The existing plan is described in the following recording sheets.
The management needed for the site is identified paddock by paddock and season by season. On average, 40 dry cows and a bull are grazed on the reserve. Rotational grazing reflects grass production, regeneration opportunities for native plants, critical periods for threatened fauna and the need to control weeds. The amount of biomass present determines the amount of grazing undertaken at any time. The cattle are not hand-fed on the reserve. They are removed if there is inadequate pasture. The cattle were removed from the site in December 2002 and were not returned until there was adequate pasture to both support the threatened species and provide for adequate nutrition for the cattle (a total of nearly 9 months rest) and were again removed for about two months in 2003. About 60 kangaroos graze the area.